The OCSC Booster Club (Hereinafter referred to as ‘The Club’, or ‘Club’), is a non-profit organization that is composed of a group of parents and guardians of gymnasts on the OCSC Gymnastics Team (Hereinafter referred to as ‘The Team’, or ‘Team’), who are competing in Levels 3 through 10, and Xcel Levels Silver through Diamond. Our mission is to support The Team both financially and socially. Every deliberation we make must start with the question, “Is this what’s best for the gymnasts?” In addition to raising funds to help offset expenses, The Club is committed to providing our gymnasts with opportunities outside of the gym to have fun, and develop team building. Some social events include the annual holiday party, awards banquet, team outings and much more. Fundraising, application of funds, and accounting must adhere to the tax laws governing 501 (c) (3) organizations.